Cooperative Education and Professional Experience


Cooperative Education is a course that emphasizes systematic work in the workplace. The objective is to prepare students for career development, enhance skills and experience them to be ready to enter the work system and become entrepreneurs by requiring at least 6 credits throughout the course Students must work according to the working hours of the establishment for a consecutive period of not less than 16 weeks or 4 months.

Professional Experience is a course that encourages students to gain hands-on experience in working at a workplace. The objective is to give students the opportunity to apply academic knowledge gained from studying at the university to apply to a workplace. This will Increase the body of knowledge and work experience for students by requiring the number of credits according to the criteria of each course, students must work according to the working hours of the establishment for a consecutive period of not less than 10 weeks or the duration specified by the course.

Principles and reasons

Mae Fah Luang University recognizes the importance of developing students to become complete graduates. Meet the needs of the labor market through operational courses. Students will be able to work on-site. This enables students to apply the knowledge and skills gained in the classroom to practical work. 

The experience will encourage students to continuously improve themselves in the field of systematic thinking. Observation determination Analysis and Learning Assessment Skills The Student Recruitment and Internship Division was established to support students' operational operations through cooperative education courses and professional experience.


  1. To provide students with the opportunity to learn academic, professional and life experiences from practical work in the workplace. Until they can develop themselves to be ready to step into work.
  2. To provide opportunities for both public and private agencies to participate in the development of graduate quality to have outstanding characteristics that are desirable and ready to work.
  3. To develop modern curriculum and instruction that meets the needs of the labor market.
  4. To create a relationship between the university and the establishment through students and in-service professors, which will lead to collaboration, collaboration, co-operation and wider benefits in the future.


  1. To Students
    • Get additional professional experience beyond the classroom
    • Develop skills in all aspects, both hard and soft skills, to increase the potential to be ready for real work.
    • You can choose the right career because you know your aptitude better.
    • Graduates are graduates with greater job potential and have the opportunity to receive a job offer before graduation.
  2. To Company
    • Continuous cooperation between the management of the establishment and the faculty of the university. 
      It builds good relationships and strengthens the organization's good image in terms of promotion. Supportive education and helps develop the country's graduates.
    • Recruit full-time employees whose knowledge and abilities match the position, which may reduce teaching time and probationary time.
    • Full-time employees will have more time to work on other, more difficult and complex roles.
    • There are students who are enthusiastic and are academically ready to help work continuously. 
    • In-service professors and students have contributed to solving problems for the establishment. This reduces the burden on the organization.
    • Tax deduction according to the Skill Development Promotion Act B.E. 2545 (2002)
  3. To University
    • Collaborate and help further the mission of analysis and academic services. 
    • It is a process of building alliances and helping to foster good relations with the establishment.
    • Get feedback for curriculum improvement and development
    • It helps to develop the quality of students and produce quality graduates to meet the needs of the market.